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Blog Exploradora del alma esencia floral 2
Blog Exploradora del alma esencia floral

Goodbye to Menstrual Pain and Discomfort with this Tea

Goodbye to Menstrual Pain and Discomfort with this Tea

If you experience severe cramps, headaches, leg pain, fatigue, and bloating like a balloon during your period, or emotional symptoms such as sadness, irritability, anxiety, or extreme sensitivity, in other words, if your life gets turned "upside down" when you get your "period," as it's commonly referred to, today I'm going to share a natural remedy with just two plants that will reduce all these symptoms and change your life forever.

The first plant we'll use to prepare this feminine tea is called Wild Yam, or in Spanish, Ñame Silvestre. It contains diosgenin, a molecule referred to as "natural progesterone." This molecule activates estrogen receptors, therefore, improving menstrual and premenstrual symptoms.

Wild Yam has a natural diuretic component that combats fluid retention and consequently bloating, making it your best ally during those days. It's also considered a "natural antidepressant," making it ideal for reducing mood swings, sadness, and irritability.

The second plant we'll use is Chaste Tree Berry, or in Spanish, Árbol Casto. It's a herbal remedy that supports women's health in their feminine disorders. In Germany, its use has been approved for treating menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome.

Preparing the tea is simple. Heat a glass of water, and in a diffuser, add a bunch of Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry. The taste of this drink is bitter, so I suggest sweetening it with my "Endulza tu Alma" It's a pure extract from the stevia leaf and doesn't leave a bitter taste in your drink, has no preservatives, doesn't alter your blood glucose levels, and is calorie-free. It's enriched with vitamin C, allowing you to sweeten without guilt.

You can drink this tea during your menstrual period three times a day.

Important: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or undergoing hormonal therapy, it's better to consult with your trusted doctor before consuming it.

I invite you to love your menstrual cycle. Maintaining a good relationship with it will help make the process healthier. It comes every month to cleanse, oxygenate, and remind you that you're a woman, and for that alone, you should feel proud. Your feminine energy makes you unique. Moreover, blood gives life, meaning you are life and light wherever you go.

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